Tuition and Fees
At registration, parents sign an agreement for the school tuition and fees. The payment schedule is part of this registration packet. Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is $500.00. In light of this agreement, fees are expected to be paid on time. Any other arrangements must be made with the Office Manager. Arrangements made are null and void at the close of the school year.
Please note that registration is non-refundable.
Payments are due to Smart Tuition on the selected date chosen by the family (1st or 15th of every month). Late payments are subject to a $25.00 late fee, which is due with the payment. Please note that Smart Tuition may charge an additional $35.00 fee.
All family tuition and fee balances will be reviewed monthly. There will be a three step communication process to help those parents who are falling behind to catch up in payments. Unfortunately, if required actions are not met by the parents, as outlined below, school services to the family will need to be terminated:
If payments are over two weeks late, a phone call will be placed to the parents and a letter will be mailed to the parents to remind them of the payment required.
If payments are over one month late, a second phone call will be placed to the parents and a letter will be mailed to the parents letting them know it is vital that their past due payments be made, or if their financial circumstances have changed to make an appointment with the Office Manager.
If payments are over two months late a third phone call will be placed and a letter will be mailed sharing with the parents that if payment is not received nor an appointment made with the Office Manager, that in two weeks time their family will regrettably no longer receive services from the school. If these requirements are not met by the family by the end of the designated two weeks, then educational services will no longer be provided to the family.
The finances will never be discussed with the students. All past due statements will be directly mailed to the parents. Sadly, we cannot provide services free of cost. In order to keep the school open and provide a quality education tuition is necessary.
Tiger Club (Before and After Care)
OLP is pleased to offer both a “before school” and “after school” extended care program. We call this program “Tiger Time” meaning it extends beyond official school hours. This is an optional, added fee program provided for any of our families who need it. Parent forms for this program can be found here.

Please Note we are making final adjustments to this page please check back friday August 30th for new updates.