Tiger Pillars

This Months Tiger Pillar
As Catholics, the faithful show their love of Christ and try to emulate Him. They love others as they love themselves. They honor their families and participate in the sacraments, prayer, and Mass. They believe and trust that God is more powerful than any human being, and that God’s love will always prevail when we stay confident and hopeful. They trust that God keeps us company. Faithful people show empathy for others and try to help others in service.
Tiger of the Month

People who understand and show respect are those who honor themselves and others with their words and actions. They are kind, caring, sensitive to the feelings of self and others and offer a helping hand whether asked or not, because they take time to notice others. They strive to understand the viewpoint of others and are good listeners. Their language shows they care and they have high regard for diversity and the dignity of people who may be different than they are, knowing that all people are worthy of love and concern. They understand that rules and guidelines are created for the good of all people. And sometimes, if those rules turn out not to be good, they take the risk to question, and improve or change them. Mostly, they LIFT the spirits and self-worth of all people.

Integrity is a character trait that we work at our entire lives. We build it in ourselves over time. People who have integrity are “wholesome” in the sense that they are honest, moral, and strive to find the truth in all matters. They keep their promises. Examples of integrity are when people stand up for the truth and what is right, even when it may cost them friendships or jobs or criticism. While they always respect others, they respect the truth above all. Integrity comes with personal effort and hard work. Exhibiting integrity means you know yourself and you are honest with yourself as well. This takes a lot of courage because it is not always easy to know and follow the truth.

Growth Mindset
Perhaps our biggest challenge and joy in life is to have a “growth mindset.” This means we realize that learning is NEVER over. The “growth minded” continue to learn through their entire lives. They learn, make mistakes, try hard, stay curious and change over time. They make progress and grow themselves into more complete, better humans every day. They take time to reflect on their experiences to assess what they have learned. They apply their learning to creating, evaluating, analyzing, and understanding meaning at deeper levels. They work on solving problems. People who are growth minded do their best but they know mistakes are opportunities to do better and improve. They do not allow mistakes to negatively impact their determination and resilience in learning.

Those who demonstrate responsibility do what they say they will do. (DWTSTWD). They have the “ability to respond” when it comes to making commitments, decisions, and asking good questions when a project needs to be done. They are trustworthy and work well with others. They meet deadlines, they do their work thoroughly, they do their part, and then some! They are able to think beyond the moment’s pleasure or temptation (EX: I don’t want to do this part of the project with my school group because I could go to the movies instead. But, I promised and it’s due, so I will keep my word and go to the movies later.

Social JusticE
Those who are socially just seek fairness and equity for all people. Their goals center on making the world a better place for EVERYONE and they not only see the value of other people, but actively work for it in society. They serve others in any way they can (as in Student Council or heading up projects). And they also try to help where injustice or unfairness seem to exist. They desire to help the poor, the rejected, the ignored and those who are simply different. They ask the hard questions. While they advocate for others, they believe people should be accountable for their actions. They consistently show empathy and forgiveness.

As Catholics, the faithful show their love of Christ and try to emulate Him. They love others as they love themselves. They honor their families and participate in the sacraments, prayer, and Mass. They believe and trust that God is more powerful than any human being, and that God’s love will always prevail when we stay confident and hopeful. They trust that God keeps us company. Faithful people show empathy for others and try to help others in service.