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Principal's Welcome

Welcome to Our Lady of Peace School!

We invite you to visit our welcoming and spacious campus, tour classes, talk with us, and generally feel the great "vibe" of our spirited school. OLP has an extensive legacy within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, going back over 70 years. Since 2021, we have refreshed our vision, which is at the core of all we do and why we exist: 

Growing intelligent minds, compassionate hearts and courageous voices in a diverse Catholic community, where students prepare to live and lead with integrity and faith; committed to actively improving the world.


We have set ambitious academic goals - meaning EVERY student under our guidance will become a proficient reader, writer, speaker, listener and mathematician - across all subject areas. Students need to attain grade level and beyond standards. Our goal is that they receive their  first choice of high schools and are well prepared to succeed. We have also added an improved middle school science curriculum, emphasizing more hands on learning.

We instill a sense of joy and a curiosity for learning. We have raised rigor, challenge and engagement in our school so that students are actively learning all day long. We now offer instrumental and choral music, regular PE, speech, theater, and an outstanding CYO sports program.


Catholicity has long been a strength at OLP and continues to be at the core of our mission. Students learn about, and practice, our Catholic faith daily. This is where our "compassionate hearts" are nurtured. 

We cherish the diversity of our community: racially, demographically, economically, and culturally. Our mix of Hispanic, Asian, African American and Caucasian students nurtures an environment where all are respected and included. Kindness, integrity, respect, faith and justice are key pillars, along with nurturing young people to acquire a growth mindset for living life.

We are small and determined. Our skilled teacher team is dedicated to making sure each student flourishes by discovering and developing his/her unique God given gifts. Due to our smaller class size, we are able to provide a family community within every class. We know all our students and their families well which results in a genuine partnership with parents. It also enables us to customize our instruction and support student learning. 

My advice: Don't take our word for it. Come visit! Ask our parents, staff and the students themselves. We are a growing and vibrant place to be in providing the best opportunities for your student to flourish.

Warm Regards and Blessings,

J. Testacross, Principal

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