LA SICUREZZA PRIMA DI TUTTO: stiamo adottando misure aggiuntive per garantire che i tuoi bambini siano al sicuro nella nostra scuola. Maggiori dettagli
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I nostri accademici
sono un paragrafo Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. È facile. Basta fare clic su "Modifica testo" o fare doppio clic su di me per aggiungere il proprio contenuto e apportare modifiche al carattere.
Check Back For More Opportunities
Common Service Hour Opportunities
sono un paragrafo Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. Sono un ottimo posto per raccontare una storia e far sapere ai tuoi utenti qualcosa in più su di te.
PM Traffic Assistance
Mon-Thur: 2:45pm to 3:15pm & Fri: 12:15pm to 12:45pm
30 Min per day
Assist faculty in opening the gates
Assure the safety of all by warning of speed, crossing, or build-up.
Close and Lock the secondary gate upon last pick up
Use the link below sign up for a spot. new dates are opened up by the 15th of the month prior.
Lunch Supervision
Mon-Thur: 11:45pm to 1:15pm
1.5 hour per day
Assist in prepping the lunch tables if they need to be cleaned
Watch over the students to ensure safety and supervision
assist on duty faculty with basic first aid if needed
Use the link below sign up for a spot. new dates are opened up by the 15th of the month prior.
Making Copies
Throughout the year, we will need help from parents to make copies for whether the school or individual teachers
100 B&W Copies: 30 Min
100 Colored Copies: 1 Hour
If you complete copies for a teacher please have them submit your hours to gradelink
Use the link below to sput your name on our call list.
sono un paragrafo Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. Sono un ottimo posto per raccontare una storia e far sapere ai tuoi utenti qualcosa in più su di te.
Building Services
Hours Varey based on the type of service to the school.
service hours can be covered by performing the service as well as materials needed for the job
The office will reach out to discusse a time and date for any service needs.
you can fill out the form below in order to notify us of where your professional skills can be used
depending on the type of need virtues and fingerprints may be requiered
Classroom Assistance
Hours veary based on the needs of the teacher.
if emails are being sent the front office must be CC'd in order for time to be approved
Teachers and parents can submit hours via gradelink for approval by the front office.
If a parent is coordinating an event and needs to delegate services to other parents it is the coordinators responsibility to track services for front office approval.
Speaking at Mass
1 hour per Mass you speak in
Speak in front of our parish at different masses to spread the word about our school, your current experience, and upcoming events.
Masses are held on both Saturday and Sunday.
You can sign up for 1 mass or all in one day.
Some masses are in spanish only.
Tiger Run
Event Planning Begins: September 6th, 2023
Date of Event: November 4th, 2023
Staff Leader: Coach Magallon
This is the first major Fundraiser of the school year.
Parent Co-Chairs to assist Coach Magallon in all aspects of the event
Helping with Food for the event
We have multiple needs on the day of the event as well.
Halloween Festival
Event Planning Begins: September
Date of Event: October 27th, 2023
Staff Leader: Mrs. Alvarez
Join the fun and give our kids a fun pre Halloween extravaganza
Create and run games
help with food and snack sales
Create and run activities
8th grade creates a haunted classroom experience
Christmas Pageant/Spring Sing/Spring Play
Event Planning Begins:
Christmas Pageant: November
Spring Sing & Play: Early May
Date of Event:
Christmas Pageant: Dec. 14th 2023
Spring Sing: TBA
Spring Play: May 24th, 2024
Staff Leaders: Mr. De Lazaro & Miss Sarah
Getting Stage Decorations Ready
Send Emails & Printing Programs
Setting up and Breaking down the hall
Open House
Event Planning Begins: Nov. 7th, 2023
Date of Event: Jan. 29th, 2024
Staff Leader: Front Office
We like to welcome the community and enjoy our classrooms and meet our teachers, see everything the school has to offer.
A chair or Co-Chairs
Posting flyers
Setting up spaces
Cleaning & Power washing
Aiding on day of event
Book Fair
Event Planning Begins: Early January
Date of Event: Jan. 39th - Feb. 2nd, 2024
Staff Leader: Front Office and Library Staff
Parent Liaison for the event
Help setting up and breaking down the event
Parents to work the register during Recess, Lunch, Before and After School.
Wine Night
Event Planning Begins: Early January
Date of Event: TBD
Staff Leaders: Front Office
A Co chair to partner with our event coordinator to assist in event details.
Prepping and breaking down the hall for the event.
Serving Tables, Checking People in and assisting with wine/silent auction transactions
Event Planning Begins: TBD
Date of Event: TBD
Staff Leader: Miss Sarah
Chair or Co-Chairs
Help with Decorations, Concept and planning
Servers at the event
Setting up auction items
Setting up and breaking down the hall
Mini Olympics
Event Planning Begins: May 1st, 2024
Date of Event: May 30th, 2024
Staff Leader: Coach Matt and Mr.Petrochilos
Parent Liaison for the event to help keep up communication with all volunteers
Coordinating events and helping set them up.
Set Up and break down event
Food sales, event assistance
Teacher Appreciation Week
Event Planning Begins: April
Date of Event: May 6-10, 2024
Staff Leader: PSG
Co-Chaired by PSG
Different grades do different events for the teachers on different days to thank them throughout the week.
Each room parent coordinates with there parents and keeps track of any hours that are needed to be turned in.
Muffins With Mom/Donuts with Dad
Event Planning Begins:
MWM: May 1st, 2024
DWD: June 1st, 2024
Date of Event:
MWM: May 13th, 2024
DWD: June 10th, 2024
Staff Leader: Front Office
Dads sign up to help with MWM, and Moms help with DWD
Setting up the events decorating picking up food and drinks
Serving and cleaning up after event
Graduation/Promotion Ceremonies
Event Planning Begins: May 1st, 2024
Date of Event:
8th Grade: June 7th, 20224
PK/Kinder/5th: June 12th, 2024
Staff Leader: Mr. P, Mr. Arriaza, Ms. Sperber, Ms. Alma
Setting Up hall
Printing programs
8th Grade Dinner Dance
Event Planning Begins: September 6th, 2023
Date of Event: May 31st, 2024
Staff Leader: Mr. P and Miss Sarah
Priority for 7th Grade parents
Event hours open up to other grades closer to event if needed.
Prepping decorations and theme
Booking all vendors
Raising funds for the event
Setting up the event and breaking down the event.