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Information familiale

Our goal at OLP is to provide welcoming, accurate, and timely communications as we partner with our parents for the success of every child. As per our motto: are goal is to reconnect with our parents and provide excellent customer service. If you do not get a timely, friendly or efficient response, please contact the business manager or principal to let us know.  Please review the following methods we currently utilize to send important information as well as how you can contact us with any questions, concerns, or additional needed information. We do ask that you understand that there are times that we may need to assist in the building somewhere and may not answer the phone immediately. We operate with a lean office team. But we will get back to you as soon as possible - within the hour or less

In 2021, following the COVID crisis, we began to re-imagine all aspects of our academics toward the goal of setting higher expectations for ALL of our students, while supporting them to be actively engaged in their own learning. As with all Catholic schools, our work is deeply rooted in Gospel values, as we nurture every student to discover, develop and actualize their own unique God given talents and skills. Every student, from preschool to 8th grade graduation should feel visible and loved.  

School Schedule

Monday through Thursday

7:15 - 7:45 a.m.                                                                                           Morning care available. Sign up in Main Office

7:30 a.m.                                                                                                     Teachers arrive

7:45 a.m.                                                                                                     Classroom doors open

8:00 a.m.                                                                                                     Tardy Bell: Students arriving after this time must go to the school office                                                                                                                                        for a late slip.

9:30 a.m.                                                                                                      Recess:  Tk - 2nd grade recess           

10:30 a.m.                                                                                                    Recess:  Grades 3 - 5

10:45 am                                                                                                      Recess:  Grades 6-8

11:45 a.m.                                                                                                    Lunch:  Preschool (40 minutes)

12:00 p.m.                                                                                                    Lunch:  Kindergarten -5th grade (40 minutes)

12:40 p.m.                                                                                                    Lunch:  6th - 8th grade (40 minutes)

3:00 p.m.                                                                                                      Dismissal:  in car line from outside of classrooms.

3:05 p.m.                                                                                                      Aftercare Begins: Younger students are picked up by aftercare                                                                                                                                                                director but students in grades 3 - 8 report directly                                                                                                                                                       to Room A.


Friday & Minimum Days (K-8)


8:30 a.m.                                                                                                      All School Mass

9:30 a.m.                                                                                                      On site COVID Testing (when available)

12:30 p.m.                                                                                                    Dismissal: is  via car line pick up from outside of classrooms.

12:35 p.m.                                                                                                    Aftercare Begins: Younger students are picked up by the aftercare                                                                                                                                                          director but students in grades 3 - 8 report directly                                                                                                                                                      to Room A.

Academic Philosophy

Students will graduate with strong faith, morals and academic mastery of Common Core State Standards; ready to pursue a successful high school and later, college experience if they choose.  Our students will be curious and agile thinkers, compassionate people, and relentlessly interested in making positive contributions to the world around them. They will confidently explore and develop both their gifts and challenges. They will know their own value and attain their goals with curiosity and perseverance. By virtue of their example they will become leaders; whether informally or formally. They will be confident enough to use their Voice in pursuing truth, justice, faith, and their own opinions; doing so with grace and courage. 


Educators at this school believe in the capacity of children to flourish and learn at high levels. We nurture them to feel safe and visible and we differentiate (customize) learning to meet student needs. To accomplish this, our curriculum, instruction, and assessments must be closely and intentionally aligned. 

10 Tenets of Excellence in Teaching and Learning
  • Teach and nourish early foundations in our Catholic faith through a comprehensive study of Catholic liturgy, practice, and traditions with emphasis upon moral development and service to others. Our faith is integrated in all subjects as feasibly reasonable. OLP is transitioning to the new Archdiocese religion standards.  


  • Place Literacy at the TOP of our academic goals– instilling a growing curiosity, engagement, and joy for reading through exposure to diverse genres, topics and cultural traditions.  We focus on foundational phonics and phonemic awareness skills and fluency;  moving to deeper levels of comprehension across all subject areas of informational and literary text. The Common MCore State Standards are used as our learning goals.


  • Establish a foundation of strong academic vocabulary in all subjects that help students have meaningful conversations and self reflection. This is done primarily through explicit teaching of strategies and prompted questioning where students emerge as self aware learners who know how to learn.


  • Practice critical, comprehensive thinking & reasoning in setting up and solving problems.


  • Provide varied  learning experiences: students work in whole groups, collaborative small groups, partners and individually as they eventually take responsibility for their own learning. Teachers optimize every minute by establishing clear student expectations, routines, and transitions from one activity to the next.


  • Plan our lessons with active student engagement that is purposeful – fostering good work habits, citizenship toward peers, and optimal learning.


  • Understand that we are ALL creative and crestivity is expressed in many different ways.


  • Never presume to know the limits of a child’s learning capacity, ability and potential! 


  • Manifest a growth mindset. Every day, EVERYONE is a learner. Mistakes are expected; failure is not permanent. The point is to analyze and improve ourselves. For teachers this means reflecting upon our  instruction through the use of data, student observations, technology, and research based practice. For students, this means understanding that all growth entails, mistakes, setbacks and failures from time to time. Growth mindset takes courage and perseverance combined with a strong belief in one’s self.

Academics are focused on mastery of grade level standards and beyond. As per LA Archdiocese expectations, we utilize the Common Core State Standards (core subjects) and Archdiocese religion standards. We differentiate instruction through the use of a wide range of instructional strategies and assessments that foster critical, creative, and complex thinking and problem solving. The common core standards emphasize increased use of academic vocabulary, informational text, using evidence to support opinions, and using primary sources in research information. They create a higher demand for “staircasing” and developing complex critical thinking skills in students. Beyond what students learn, they are expected to demonstrate how they will apply what they are learning.


Regulation school uniforms are worn all year, and they must be neat and clean.  If a student is out of uniform, he/she will be given a warning.  If he/she is out of uniform a second time, the student will be sent to the office, the parent will be called to bring the correct clothing to school so that the student may return to class. 

Dress Code:


  • gray or navy blue uniform polo shirts with the school logo

  • White long-sleeved shirts may be worn under uniform blouses or polo shirts in cold weather   

  • Uniform walking shorts

  • plaid uniform jumper

  •  black or navy belt

  • navy, black or all-white crew socks

  • solid black athletic or leather shoes (No Shoes above the ankle).  Third Grade may use Velcro fasteners.  

  • uniform gym shorts and either the P.E. uniform t-shirt or a Jog-a-thon t-shirt from any year


  • white uniform blouses or gray or navy blue polo shirts with the school logo

  • White long-sleeved shirts may be worn under uniform blouses or polo shirts in cold weather

  • Uniform walking shorts

  • plaid uniform jumper

  • grades 6 – 8 may wear the plaid uniform skirt

  • uniform skort

  •  black or navy belt

  • navy, black or all-white crew socks knee-highs or tights

  • solid black athletic or leather shoes (No shoes above the ankle).  Third Grade may use Velcro fasteners.  Preschool through third grade girls may also wear polished black leather shoes with straps, and rubber soles

  • uniform gym shorts and either the P.E. uniform t-shirt or a Jog-a-thon t-shirt from any year

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