When a student has been absent, a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian is required.
Students who are absent due to a medical or dental appointment will not have their absence counted against them if a doctors note is presented to the front office.
If a student has been absent for five consecutive days, the student must have written permission from the doctor to return.
If a student has an “unexcused absent” for ten or more days during a trimester marking period, the student is at risk of receiving an incomplete on the report card and summer school may be required to change that grade. IN extreme cases, students may be held back to repeat the grade.
A conference with the principal and teacher is also required to develop a signed “Attendance Agreement.”
Not all of the missing work may be approved for late submission.
During COVID, students required to stay home to quarantine will NOT be marked absent. Home assignments will be available to them during any quarantine period.
Tardies are a serious disruption to class and the learning environment. It becomes a distraction to the teacher’s lesson. It also hampers a student’s own learning experience and is not respectful to the school protocols. Our teachers start their lessons as soon as class begins, so your child needs to be on time.
Students that arrive after 8:00 a.m. are late for school.
Students arriving after 8:20 a.m. should have a note of explanation for the tardiness signed by his/her parent or guardian.
The student must go to the school office to receive a written permission slip to proceed to class. After receiving a slip from the office personnel authorizing permission to go to class, the student will be sent to join his/her class.
3 Tardies is equal to 1 absence.
Early Out
If a student must be dismissed for an appointment, he/she must bring a note from the parent or guardian to their teacher on the morning of the appointment.
When picking up your student for medical or dental appointments, go directly to the office. Where you will sign out your student and they will be called out of class.
For the early release to be excused, you must send the student in with a note from the doctors office.