In 2021, following the COVID crisis, we began to re-imagine all aspects of our academics toward the goal of setting higher expectations for ALL of our students, while supporting them to be actively engaged in their own learning. As with all Catholic schools, our work is deeply rooted in Gospel values, as we nurture every student to discover, develop and actualize their own unique God given talents and skills. Every student, from preschool to 8th grade graduation should feel visible and loved.
In 2022, OLP received all “highly effective” scores from the NCEA (National Catholic Education Association) accreditation site visit for its work on defining specific goals and showing evidence of growth toward achieving them.
PSG (Parent Support Group)
Please click on the icon to learn more information about Our PSG.
Please Click on the Icon for more information about our Schools fundrasiers
Service Hours
Every year our families agree to work with the school and complete a set amount of service hours to the school. By clicking the Icon you will find upcoming service opportunities as well as our current years requirements.
Tiger Club
We host before and after school care to assist our families in childcare needs outside of our 8am to 3pm schedule. Click on the icon in order to learn all about our Tiger Club.
Did you miss a weekly newsletter or need have questions about an upcoming event. Click on the icon to see this school years newsletters
Weekly Newsletter
Current Events
Missed the last flyer that went home? Click on the icon in order to see all of our event flyers for the school year.
School Forms
Lunch Menu
Volunteer Spotlight